We understand...

every surrogate is unique.

The journey of surrogacy is an amazing, life-changing experience.

Moms get to help another family get started while bringing herself the opportunity do the things she’s always dreamed of for her own family.

Your ability to bring tiny humans into the world is not something just any woman can do.

And if you could do it again for a couple in need, you could make a life-changing amount of money.

Whether it allows you a little extra time to stay home while the kids are still little, take a family vacation that otherwise would never fit the budget, put the kids in private school, buy a home, or upgrade your existing home, the compensation can benefit your entire family. It’s truly a unique experience very few moms can be a part of.

It’s our goal to connect amazing moms with the right surrogacy agencies to create the most magical journey imaginable.

We believe with all our hearts that surrogacy is family, sisterhood, strength. Surrogacy is… Love.

"There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others."

-Mandy Hale

A smooth journey requires the

right professionals

A good surrogacy agency matches surrogates with hopeful people who want to have a baby. They thoroughly screen potential surrogates and parents and  guide them through the entire process, including timely disbursement of funds to the surrogate, and providing support until a short while after delivery.

But, not all surrogacy agencies are created equal.

There are so many parties involved in the delicate emotional, legal and financial process and agency oversight is a must.

The right agency will make sure all medical bills are taken care of by the trust and escrow so that nothing remains on the surrogate’s shoulders after delivery.

The agency you choose will be responsible for communicating between attorneys, doctors, psychologists and others to make sure everyone is in the loop at all times so you don’t have to balance all the details.

Many fly-by-night agencies, more focused on collecting their fees than they are on helping people, are competing for the same pool of potential surrogates.

Women who fall for their alluring ads and false promises of high compensation can end up having to fend for themselves after matching.

That's where we come in.

Our founders have been surrogates 2 and 3 times each, and have worked closely with dozens of agencies throughout their careers.

Sunshine & Casey know what it’s like to be in your position both as novice first time surrogates and with more experience. 

A referral from us SAVES you dozens of HOURS and potential heartache.

Our short quiz will make sure you meet the deal-breaker requirements for any reputable agency, and it will also tell us which agencies you will qualify for and which ones you won’t.

While the basic guidelines are the same across the board, every agency is looking for certain types of candidates to match with their intended parents, and some have stricter BMI or Lifestyle requirements than others.

Your time is valuable and so are YOU!

And the best part is..

...our help will never cost you a thing.

"However motherhood comes to you, it's a miracle."

-Valerie Harper

So... what's it like to

be a surrogate?

Sunshine details her first surrogacy experience…

We're looking for unicorns like you...

You may not realize it, but your body’s ability to create a healthy baby AND bring it into the world isn’t just amazing — it’s rare.

You may not have felt special as you struggled to see your feet and you stopped fitting into your bras, but we promise: you really are so, so freaking special.

And we need moms just like you to bring joy to a family in the making and to your family as well.

Sunshine details her first surrogacy experience…

If you grow babies...

There are couples who need you.

So many people struggle with infertility and carrying healthy babies to term. For some, carrying a baby comes easily, but for many, the tireless effort to achieve pregnancy results in deep heartache and suffering.

Whether it’s because their bodies don’t allow them to conceive, they continually miscarry, or they’re gay or single fathers who just can’t do it on their own… the battle to create a family can be hard fought and devastating.

Pregnancy can be hard, but for a lot of people, it’s downright impossible.

You need to know, mama:

That’s why surrogacy agencies are so crazy about talking to you: your ability to make tiny humans with ease is not something they see every day.

And if you could do it again for a couple in need, you could make a life-changing amount of money.

Meet our founder...

Sunshine Hanson

She’s been a surrogate three times…

…and she’s going to walk you through the initial process to make sure your journey is a success. 

Sunshine is fiercely independent, pragmatic and resourceful. As a teen mom, she earned her Bachelor’s degree in English Education from CSULB and went on to teach High School English, empowering students who needed to feel seen and heard by teaching them the art of written expression.

It was the example of a friend that inspired Sunshine to go out on a limb and try something as “crazy” as surrogacy and it absolutely changed her life for the better.

Sunshine has helped to bring four babies into the world, completing two families, across two continents, not including her own!

Now she is using her passion and experience to advocate for and support women in realizing their dreams of creating the most beautiful life they can for their families.

"They say it takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes it takes a village to have a child.

-Sara Walsh

No matter how many times you have to repeat it to yourself, don’t let yourself forget it.

Infertility isn’t anyone’s fault.

And if you’re going through it, it doesn’t mean that it’s an indication of how much you deserve to be a parent. You deserve it.

This community is here for you. Here to cheer you on. To listen to you vent. And to cry with you when it’s hard. As much as it’s true that no one should feel at fault, no one should have to carry the hard feelings of it alone either. We’re sending you love 🫶

#SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyIsAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #SurrogacyIsforSurrogates #SurrogacyIsforIntendedParents #InfertilitySupport

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Tonight, we’re honoring all the babies gone too soon. 🕯️

Join us in the global event, Wave of Light, by lighting a candle at 7 p.m. in your time zone. This is a special way to send love and light into the world on behalf of all the precious little ones who will always live on in our hearts. đź’—

#WaveOfLight #WaveOfLight2024 #BabyLossAwarenessWeek #SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyIsAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyAgency

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Today we remember the babies we carried but didn’t get to meet. The babies born sleeping. The babies we held but never got to take home. And all the babies we had to say goodbye to way too soon.

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day…it’s more than just a day. A loss is something that you carry every day, every month, every year of your life. It’s a heartache that never goes away.

But spreading awareness around loss, sharing stories, and building a community can help that pain feel a little less unbearable to carry every day.

Today (and always) we hold space for those who have experienced loss and we send our immense love and support to everyone who has dealt with this unimaginable heartache. If you feel comfortable, please share your baby`s name in the comments so we can honor them.

📣 Community, please send love to each of these babies and their families by giving each comment a heart emoji. Let’s give them the outpouring of love they deserve today. 🫶

#pregnancyandinfantlossremembranceday #pregnancylossawareness #pregnancyandinfantlossawarenessmonth #pregnancyandinfantlossawareness #infantlossawareness #infantlossupport #pregnancylosssupport #miscarriagesupport #miscarriagewareness #pregnancyandinfantloss #SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyIsAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #SurrogacyIsforSurrogates #SurrogacyIsforIntendedParents

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Compensation may not be the main reason why women decide to become surrogates… but it doesn’t mean it’s not an important factor in her choice!

Yes, many surrogates do surrogacy because it’s an amazing thing to do for someone else. But it’s also a way for her to accomplish goals that may have felt too far out of reach otherwise.

Many surrogates use their compensation to…
🏡Buy a house
đź’¸Pay off debt
đź’ĽStart a new business
đź“…Take time off
🎓Go back to school
âť—And so much more

If you’ve completed a journey, and you feel comfortable sharing, let potential surrogates know what things you’re proud to have used your compensation on in the comments below ⬇️

#SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyAgency #SurrogacyStories #SurrogacySupport #SurrogacyIsforSurrogates

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Ladies, it’s Sunday and it’s “No Bra Day”, so don’t you even think about putting on a bra today.

While today might be a fun excuse to let loose (literally 🤣), it should also serve as a reminder of all the breast cancer survivors who may be unable to go without bras because they need them to hold their prostheses after surgery. It’s also your check to make sure you’re giving yourself monthly self-exams and have your next screening scheduled. It’s important to remember that most types of breast cancer can be treated if caught early.

This October make sure you keep those boo-bies safe! đź‘»

#NoBraDay #BreastCancerAwareness #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth #BreastCancer #SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyIsAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #SurrogacyIsforSurrogates #SurrogacyIsforIntendedParents

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Mamas, why do we let our minds be so mean to us? đź«Ł

We let doubt creep in. We allow negativity to tell us false narratives. And we’re extra hard on ourselves when something slips our minds.

Truth is, as moms we’re juggling a lot. Actual daily tasks and high societal expectations.

The pressure of it all can make you start to believe you aren’t doing enough… or worse, you’re not good enough.

Don’t allow any of that B.S. to take up your mental space! Whenever a not-so-kind thought tries to weasel its way in, stop it in its tracks. 🛑 Repeat this reminder to yourself, “You’re doing your best and that’s enough.”

You’re an amazing mom. Please don’t let your mind make you believe otherwise. 🫶

#Inspiration #Motivation #Momivation #Community #SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyAgency

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A surrogacy journey can impact a surrogate’s life in SO MANY WAYS.

For Kelsey, the compensation from her journey helped her family buy a new vehicle, pay off old debt, and even purchase a work truck for her husband. Even though the compensation wasn’t why she became a surrogate, it was exciting for her and her family to decide what fun things to use it on.

Surrogacy also provided perks they never even expected. Kelsey says even though she and her husband have been together for more than 10 years, surrogacy helped them bond in a whole new way. They both learned a new appreciation for compassion and connection. (They’re relationship goals, for real!)

If you’ve ever considered becoming a surrogate and want to learn more about how a journey could help you achieve your goals, take our short quiz today: surrogacy.is/life-changing-quiz

#SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyAgency #SurrogacyStories #SurrogacySupport #SurrogacyIsforSurrogates

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Whether you’ve been out and proud for years, just recently came out, or are still waiting for the right time to come out—we see and support you! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

Love is love and we’re so excited that you are able to love openly and authentically. Because you`re living your best life, you are an inspiration to others who are walking in your same path. 🫰🫰

#NationalComingOutDay #LoveisLove #LGBTQ #Allies #Onelove #ComingOutDay #Pride #SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyIsAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #SurrogacyIsforSurrogates #SurrogacyIsforIntendedParents

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