We connect

amazing moms

with future parents

for an incredible journey.

We connect

amazing moms

with future parents

for an incredible journey.

This isn't just any

Surrogacy Journey...

…and we’re not a typical surrogacy agency. That’s why surrogates choose us first.

And it’s why we have one of the best surrogate support platforms in the industry.

For the last 3 years, Surrogacy Is has been inspiring the most amazing moms to become surrogates, helping them find their perfect agency, and supporting them along the way, at no cost to them.

That’s how we’ve helped over 1500 candidates start their surrogacy journeys since 2020.

In our search to find the “perfect agency” for the incredible moms who choose to become surrogates, we’ve learned so much. We’ve learned how some of the most solid and supportive agencies thrive, and we’ve learned where many break down, even the best ones.

And in this search, we’ve realized something… to find our ideal agency, we needed to create it ourselves… and now we’ve done just that.

Surrogacy stories from

Real-Life Supermoms

Kay Surrogate
Kay, Experienced Surrogate

Here's what to know about how we advocate for surrogates...

We’ve designed our agency with YOU in mind…

We will be honest about whether or not we have parents who are looking for candidates just like you. If we don’t have the right match for you, we can share your profile with our partner agencies that we’ve vetted and trust, so you don’t waste hours filling out long-form applications only to be turned away or ignored or worse — land with an agency you regret!

We insist on stellar communication…

From your first contact with us, all the way through Intake, Matching, and Journey Coordination, you will always be up to date and have clarity on what’s coming next. If you have questions, you can count on us to pick up the phone or reply to your text or email the same day.

We help you find fair surrogacy compensation

We help you to set your base surrogacy compensation to make sure it’s fair and you are getting what you deserve for the generous gift you’re giving! Aside from your base, our benefit package is thoughtful and among the best (if not THE BEST) in the industry, because it was designed by surrogates who know the sacrifice it takes to help someone bring their baby into the world.

We’re with you every step of the journey

We provide free coaching to navigate the complex journey, through webinars, our online groups, and one-on-one calls whenever you need it! Each of our Surrogate Advocates are experienced surrogates themselves. Our Journey Coordinators have years of experience under their belts, and bring unique skills to the table such as a background in Social Work, Midwifery, and Mental Health. Our team is committed to providing wrap around support for parents and surrogates on this once in a lifetime journey.

And the best part is...

advocating for surrogates benefits everyone.

Sam Surrogate
Sam, Experienced Surrogate & Surrogate Advocate

Take our short 8-minute quiz!

Morgan & La’Phadra

Surrogate Advocate & Experienced Surrogate

We are true

surrogate advocates

Kay_Experienced Surro
Kay, Experienced Surrogate

A surrogate advocate is a person or group who truly advocates for the brave, amazing moms who decide to become surrogates.

We take being surrogate advocates very seriously. Being a surrogate advocate isn’t a marketing gimmick. It’s not a side-hustle. It’s everything.

Surrogates, in our eyes, are the most important piece of this equation. And being surrogate advocates doesn’t mean we don’t advocate for intended parents. 

Quite the opposite. 

We believe that advocating for surrogates is the key to the smoothest and most successful surrogacy journeys possible. 

While most agencies say they “advocate” for the surrogate, do they really?

If you think about it, the perspective many agencies have comes down to human nature. Most agencies are intended parent focused, because that’s the ultimate client they’re designed to serve. And that’s okay! We serve intended parents, too!

After all, the purpose of a surrogacy agency is to help intended parents achieve their dream of having a baby, and we think that’s an absolutely noble purpose. It’s our purpose, too!

But far too often, the surrogate’s interests can be dismissed, so a true surrogate advocate helps balance that equation.

We’re not looking to tip the scales, just balance them.

No, we don’t think so. If someone truly advocates for surrogates, the interests and experience of the surrogate should be the mission of the company. Their organization should be surrogate focused first & foremost.

That doesn’t mean that intended parents aren’t a focus, as well. But it’s our philosophy that, a well-prepared, well-informed, well-supported surrogate is the cornerstone of the most successful surrogacy journeys.

How we serve intended parents is by taking great care of the surrogates who make the surrogacy journey possible.

And we’re not talking about creating surrogacy divas here. We’re talking about ensuring equal support, and mutual respect. We believe that, if the end goal is for the intended parent(s) to bring home their sweet baby, and for the surrogate (and her family) to have their lives changed in the most positive way, this is how it’s done.

Here’s what’s important to know about us. We’re surrogate advocates first. That’s how we started, and that’s what we’ll always be.

Every surrogate that goes through our process gets the following things that most (all?) agencies don’t offer:

  • A surrogate advocate who supports you through your journey 100% free
  • Access to a library of video and other resources to help you feel confident and prepared each step of the way
  • Ongoing mental health support throughout the journey and up to 6 months postpartum
  • One-on-one IVF Education and Injection Support

Most surrogacy agencies have long lists of intended parents waiting to be matched with their perfect surrogate. If an advocacy group is owned by such an agency, it might be difficult for them to truly encourage any surrogate who enters their process to consider all of her options when they really want her to work with their agency—regardless of whether that’s the best fit for her.

Because we spent our formative years building a platform and relationship with our partner agencies, it’s easy for us to know what each of their IP clientele is looking for and when a surrogate might be happier and have a better match through another program than our own. We only want to manage journeys that we can do an excellent job, so if we cannot offer that to a surrogate candidate, we have no motivation not to be honest about that! 

And here’s what’s important for you to know about working w/ Surrogacy Is… we’ve spent the past 3+ years getting to know the ins and outs of over 100 agencies, and in that process we’ve narrowed it down to a small handful that truly meet the bar we set for our partners — if my sister wanted to be a surrogate, would I feel confident referring her to this agency? If the answer is not a resounding yes, then we don’t refer to them. It’s that simple. 

But all this knowledge has also empowered us to create a program so special and unique, that takes the lessons from the best of the best and pitfalls we’ve seen so many agencies run into throughout our careers in this industry, that Surrogacy Is as an agency, is truly a gold standard in Journey Coordination and Support for Surrogates and Intended Parents. We’re so excited to be able offer this option to Surrogates and IP’s and make the journey feel seamless  from beginning to end. We live for this work and to hear those words at the end of every journey “I could not have done this without you.”

We’ve got you.

Not just an agency, but yes.

We started off as surrogate advocates, and we’ll always be surrogate advocates first and foremost. 

We’re not an agency that starts a “surrogate advocate group” as a marketing gimmick. If you’re already an agency, why not just advocate for surrogates as an agency, if you truly care about advocating for surrogates?

And there are agencies that truly do this for surrogates, don’t get us wrong. For example, the agencies we provided in the past as options for you are agencies who truly advocate for surrogates.

So, if anything, we’re surrogate advocates that started an “agency” to better serve our surrogates. If we can be the best option and fit for what you need in your journey, then we should be your agency.

Can you see the difference?

So, if you haven’t yet, take our 8-minute quiz, then schedule a 1-on-1 call with a surrogate advocate (they’re experienced surrogates, too!) and they can walk you through what surrogacy could look like for you and your family!

(The content above has been updated to better fit our definition of what a surrogate advocate is. To see our original copy, click here.)

Evie, Experienced Surrogate

We understand

every surrogate is unique.

Brittany Surrogate
Brittany, Experienced Surrogate

The journey of surrogacy is an amazing, life-changing experience.

Moms get to help another family get started while bringing herself the opportunity to do the things she’s always dreamed of for her own family.

Every single woman who volunteers to take on this journey to help another family become whole, does so with lots of different ideas, expectations, and motivations.

Whether you’ve seen first-hand the struggles of infertility for someone you love and care about, or you are simply exploring the idea out of curiousity, it’s important that you are informed about the process, the risks, and the rewards of helping someone else in such a tremendous way.

As much as intended parents have ideas about who they want their surrogate to be, and how they imagine her lifestyle and values while caring for their unborn child, surrogates also have expectations and hopes for the type of family they want to share this journey with. It’s our goal to connect amazing moms with the right surrogacy agencies to bring their dream to life, too.

We believe with all our hearts that surrogacy is family, sisterhood, strength. Surrogacy is… Love.


Experienced Surrogate

There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.

A smooth journey requires

the right professionals.

Kelsey Surrogate
Kelsey, Experienced Surrogate

A good surrogacy agency matches surrogates with hopeful people who want to have a baby. They thoroughly screen potential surrogates and parents and guide them through the entire process, including timely disbursement of funds to the surrogate, and providing support until a short while after delivery.


There are so many parties involved in the delicate emotional, legal and financial process and agency oversight is a must.

The right agency will make sure all medical bills are taken care of by the trust and escrow so that nothing remains on the surrogate’s shoulders after delivery.

Kelsey Surrogate
Kelsey, Experienced Surrogate
Kristina Surrogate
Kristina, Experienced Surrogate

We empower you to

design your journey.

Kristina Surrogate
Kristina, Experienced Surrogate

Unlike going directly to any other agency, we have your best interest in mind from the jump. If we can’t meet what you’re looking for, we’re not afraid to tell you — but not just that, we’re equipped to help you find it through one of our trusted partner agencies! 

Whether you find yourself fitting in perfectly with our program, or you choose one of our trusted partners, the agency will be responsible for communicating between attorneys, doctors, psychologists and others to make sure everyone is in the loop at all times so you don’t have to balance all the details.

What sets us apart

from others...

La'Phadra, Experienced Surrogate

Our founders have been surrogates 2 and 3 times each, and have worked closely with dozens of agencies throughout their careers.

Our Surrogate Advocates, who are also experienced surrogates, know what it’s like to be in your position both as novice first time surrogates and with more experience.

We know what it’s like to pick an agency and wonder, “was that the right choice? Did I choose the right agency?”

Sometimes you don’t know what you don’t know, so we’re here to help you decide, whether it’s our program, or one of the vetted agencies we partner with. You will land in a safe place with real people who will consider what you want out of your surrogacy journey, and help you get there.

We’ve been called “Surrogacy Doulas”… we think that fits us well!

La'Phadra, Experienced Surrogate


Experienced Surrogate

So... what's it like

to be a surrogate?

We’re looking for unicorns like you

You may not realize it, but your body’s ability to create a healthy baby AND bring it into the world isn’t just amazing — it’s rare.

You may not have felt special as you struggled to see your feet and you stopped fitting into your bras, but we promise: you really are so, so freaking special.

And we need moms just like you to bring joy to a family in the making and to your family as well.

Take our short 8-minute quiz!

Are we the real deal?

Check out more stories on Insta!

Meet Our Founders...❤️

Sunshine Hanson

Founder, President, 3x Surrogate

Fueled with the mission to add more heart to surrogacy journeys.

If you ever get the pleasure of meeting our co-founder, Sunshine Hanson, you’ll quickly realize she’s as warm as her name suggests and as fun as her ever-changing hair color.

Another thing that’s hard to miss about Sunshine is her passion for surrogacy.

In 2017, Sunshine transitioned from teaching high school English to working in the surrogacy industry. With her experience as a 3x gestational surrogate, she wanted nothing more than to be a part of helping surrogates have beautiful journeys.

But as she dove into the industry, Sunshine couldn’t shake the feeling that there just wasn’t enough advocacy, transparency, and support in the community. That feeling grew so strong that Sunshine knew she had to do something bigger to improve the surrogacy industry.

Together with her husband, Kyle, she used that feeling to build Surrogacy Is. Shortly after launch, they recognized the need was larger than they anticipated, and they needed help to fulfill their mission, and her former colleague, Casey, was the missing piece of the foundation. Together, they formed a dedicated team and created an advisory program where surrogates could learn about the process and feel confident in their choices. Then, after 3 years, the dream evolved even further when the team found that intended parents weren’t getting the same considerations. Determined to do what feels right for everyone involved, the Surrogacy Is agency was born.

When Sunshine isn’t sharing her tips and surrogacy stories online or spreading her infectious passion about surrogacy, you might find her relaxing in the pool with her daughter and three dogs, or testing out a new brunch spot in Savannah.

Casey Bojorquez

Founder, Vice President, 2x Surrogate

She won’t rest until everyone is taken care of.

Have you ever met someone who instantly made you feel so good inside? Someone who just radiates love and makes you feel safe like you can trust they’ll always be on your side? That’s Casey—our co-founder, Vice President, and collective mama of Surrogacy Is.

On a deeper level, Casey Bojorquez is a two-time surrogate with over a decade of experience working in the surrogacy industry. Throughout her work, she couldn’t help but feel similar sentiments as Sunshine about the industry— so she was thrilled when Sunshine and Kyle approached her about joining forces to create something better for the surrogacy world.

Casey started out by developing a more comprehensive surrogate outreach and community program, but she as time went on, she dreamt of doing more. Instead of trying to find the best agencies to recommend to new surrogates, she believed Surrogacy Is could become the perfect agency for both surrogates and intended parents.

So, that’s exactly what the team set out to do, and the direction of Surrogacy Is shifted to create a space where surrogates and intended parents are advocated for and supported—every step of the way.

When our lovely Casey isn’t making waves in the surrogacy world, she can be found enjoying time with her husband and four daughters at the beach or hiking a new trail.

Kyle Hanson

Founder, CEO, CMO, Husband to 3x Surrogate
(that counts, right?)

Once a skeptic… now a surrogacy evangelist.

If you’re ever looking for a mediocre Dad joke, Kyle is your guy. If jokes aren’t your thing, he’s also really good at having heart-to-hearts with surrogate partners or offering the absolute best forms of encouragement.

Our co-founder, Kyle Hanson, is the type of guy who loudly roots for you, whether you’re a surrogate or an intended parent. He wants you to have the most empowering, informative, and supported surrogacy journey possible.

Why? Because he watched his wife Sunshine go through the journey of surrogacy first-hand as a surrogate, and he witnessed the boss energy it takes for a woman to be a surrogate. He also got to meet (and bond with) both sets of her intended parents. He heard their unique paths to parenthood and sympathized with everything they had gone through to have their biggest dream come true.

When Kyle & Sunshine started talking about the idea of Surrogacy Is, it didn’t take long for him to develop what is still the base framework for how Surrogacy Is reaches so many amazing moms, every single day. In fact, he immediately started working tirelessly behind the scenes to make it a reality—and he remains the “wizard behind the curtain” for everything that helps Surrogacy Is run today.

During the day, you can usually find Kyle putting out tech fires, rallying up the marketing team, and sending a good (great?) GIF in the team chat. When he logs off, he’s usually cruising the coastal Georgia rivers with Sunshine and their daughter, Jasmine, or he’s catering to Dee Dee, Adora, and Finny, the family dogs. You might also find him performing a drum solo on any and every available surface.

They say it takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes, it takes a village to have a child.

Real Surrogates. Real Stories.

Kristina’s surrogacy story

Kids talk about surrogacy

Cheyenne’s surrogacy story

Morgan’s surrogacy story

Real Surrogates.

Real Stories.

Yamilet’s surrogacy story

Sunshine’s surrogacy story

Sam’s surrogacy story

Casey’s surrogacy story

Would you still be a surrogate...

without Surrogacy Is?


asked questions

Take our short 8-minute quiz now.

Surrogacy is a process where a woman carries and delivers another person or couple’s child. This pregnancy happens through in vitro fertilization (IVF), which means this woman does not have any biological connection to the baby.

The surrogate is the ‘gestational carrier;’ this means she is providing the womb to carry the embryo for the Intended Parents (IP’s).

In surrogacy, there are Intended Parents, agencies, and surrogates.

The Intended Parents (IP’s) are the individuals looking to build their family or bring a baby into the world. The agencies work directly with the IP’s, helping them find the right surrogate candidates, coordinating with attorneys, helping with logistics (insurance, psychologists, contracts, etc.) and supporting them in the decision-making process. This way the IP’s can focus on developing a relationship with the surrogate! And the surrogates are the incredible mamas who help make it all happen!

Yes, but more. 😉 First & foremost, we’re Surrogate Advocates who support amazing moms in their surrogacy journeys. That’s how we started in 2020… solely working with surrogates. We’ve been helping amazing moms choose from vetted, ethical surrogacy agencies who are motivated to do their best work for our candidates.

We’ve taken all that experience and created what we like to think is the ideal agency not just for the amazing moms who choose to be surrogates, but also the hopeful parents-to-be who are putting their all into the mission to bring home their bundle of joy.

Throughout our first 3 years solely working w/ surrogates as advocates, we’ve realized something: There aren’t as many agencies who truly advocate for parents and surrogates as we’d like… believe us… we’ve searched. 

So we decided to start an agency of our own.

There’s no one perfect agency, but we’re dedicated to becoming yours.

We offer a quick (free!) quiz to help you see if you’d be a good candidate for surrogacy. Click here to take it now!

There are several requirements for surrogates (in order to protect the health of both the surrogate and the baby). You can find them on our requirements page.

Here are a few:

–        having at least one successful, full-term pregnancy

–        being within a recommended age range

–        having a ‘healthy’ BMI

–     free of tobacco and recreational drugs

–    having a strong support system 

To be honest, some of these requirements can be confusing (or, frankly, feel a bit limiting). So, once you take the quiz, if you have questions, feel free to reach out to us! We’d be happy to explain, provide clarity on your qualifications, or work with you on the next steps in your journey.

We put ‘healthy’ in quotes for a reason—because what’s considered ‘healthy’ is so different for each person! And, depending on a myriad of other factors, you may not need to fall exactly within this range.

However, a BMI between 18-32 is recommended because this is what is considered medically healthy for a surrogate undergoing IVF and other treatments along the journey.

A BMI that falls under the range may be too low for a safe pregnancy and delivery. It may also point to underlying health conditions for the surrogate. A higher BMI can impact the effectiveness of the IVF treatment, how your body responds to the medication, and ovarian function in general. A higher BMI can also lead to pregnancy and birth complications, too, which is why this requirement is set–not only for surrogates but at all fertility clinics. 

In short, the BMI range is all about ensuring the healthiest pregnancy possible. 

First of all congratulations! Only 4 out of 10 women who take the quiz meet all of the requirements, so it’s super rare to have both the heart and the health history to qualify as a surrogate! 
The next step after passing our 8-minute quiz is to schedule a Q&A with one of our awesome surrogate advocates. They’re experienced surrogates, too! They’ll walk you through the whole process, help to build your profile, determine your ideal compensation, and match you with the best agency out there specifically to match your unique wants, needs, and personality. 

Yes! You can become a surrogate if you’ve had tubal ligation.

Tubal ligation is a surgery that involves cutting and tying the fallopian tubes (which prevents an egg from entering the uterus or sperm from passing from the tube to the egg).

In surrogacy, pregnancy happens through IVF—where the fertilized egg/embryo is transferred directly to the uterus—which doesn’t involve the tubes at all! So, in short, you can still bring your IP’s baby into the world even after tubal ligation.

  • Typical compensation packages for surrogacy consist of a base compensation ranging from $45,000 – $75,000, based on several factors plus additional payments for milestones leading up to and throughout the pregnancy, such as medication start, embryo transfer, maternity clothing at second trimester, and more.
  • All expenses are paid for the surrogate to meet with the parents’ IVF doctor for an in-person medical evaluation. If travel is required, those expenses are paid for as well as a per diem for meals and expenses.
  • Compensation and Benefit Packages typically start once legal contracts are signed and a trust account is fully funded with the entire surrogate compensation and expenses. 
  • Surrogates receive their base compensation in monthly installments throughout the pregnancy. 

Read more about surrogacy compensation: https://surrogacy.is/compensation/

No, your eggs won’t be used in the surrogacy process.

There are two types of surrogacy—traditional and gestational—and with gestational surrogacy (the type of surrogacy we focus on!), the IP’s eggs and sperm will be used.

So, in short, the surrogate will not be biologically related to the baby at all.

Although it might seem strange that your significant other needs a background check, this is a requirement in place to protect all aspects and all individuals in the surrogacy journey.

A background check (both for the surrogate and her spouse) helps to ensure the safety of the environment for surrogate and baby during pregnancy and birth.

(Don’t worry, the Intended parents undergo a background check too!)

Yes, you can’t have more than 2 C-sections (or 3 with a clearance letter from your OB) or more than 6 live births.

There are a few required vaccinations for surrogacy: TDAP, Varicella (chickenpox immunity), MMR (measles, mumps, rubella). Others, for example flu and COVID are flexible.

Some IP’s may have specific requirements for their surrogate to ensure safety during pregnancy and delivery, or to match their lifestyle and values.

It’s best to first take our short quiz to see if you qualify as a surrogate candidate. When you take the quiz, you’ll be able to see and understand the basic requirements.

From there, we will connect with you to learn your goals, perspectives, and values—and connect you with an agency  that honors your choices.

Typically, 21-40. We’ve had cases up to 45 get approved by an IVF clinic, but it’s rare. 

Every prospective surrogate must be at least 21 years old before she can be approved for surrogacy. This minimum age requirement is set by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, based on what experts have identified as the best indicators of success for a gestational carrier.

But most importantly age restrictions exist only to protect the surrogate and the baby’s health and give the best chance for successful outcomes! 

For us to help you become a surrogate, you need to be a U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident.

Yes! You absolutely can be a single mom and a surrogate. You just need to make sure you have a good support system. You might need emotional support or potentially someone to be with your kids while you are attending appointments or delivering your intended parents’ magical, miracle baby.

No. All medical expenses are covered by insurance or the intended parents/agency. All expenses are paid for the surrogate to meet with the parents’ IVF doctor for an in-person medical evaluation. If travel is required, those expenses are paid for as well as a per diem for meals and expenses.

Also, before surrogate pregnancy, typical benefits & compensation can include:

  • Monthly non-accountable allowance starting at $250+ per month throughout the journey
  • Mock Cycle Fee starting at $500+
  • Medication Start Fee starting at $500+
  • Signing and other bonuses starting at $1000+
  • Embryo Transfer Fee starting at $1000+
  • Health Insurance Monthly Premium (actual cost)
  • Legal Counsel (actual cost)

Parents that have decided to choose surrogacy have already been through a lot! The couples that I carried for had already fallen in love with the EMBRYOS before they transferred them to my uterus. They knew the sex of the future baby, and that they had all the normal chromosomes they should have.  They knew for a decade before trying surrogacy that they would find a way to bring those embryos to life. And that’s the story of a lot of those couples. They have invested so much time, hope, tears, and resources to make it possible for their children to be born. They will never change their mind about it!  But if they did (which they won’t!) there are fully enforceable legal contracts in place, as well as a fully funded trust account that has your entire compensation and medical expenses in it before you even begin IVF medications. The legal contract even has provisions in place for a next of kin, should anything happen to the parents before the baby is born, so there is someone ready and able to take them home and love them when they are born. When you get to the matching stage and hear the parent’s stories, you will see. Intended parents love their children just as much as we love our own.

A gestational surrogate becomes pregnant via IVF. The embryo is created in a lab, where the intended mother or donor egg is fertilized with the intended father or donor’s sperm. The embryo is then implanted into the surrogate’s uterus. With this method, the surrogate is not related to the baby. The majority of surrogacy arrangements are gestational these days. 

At first glance, it would seem obvious that a surrogate would get attached to the child, right?!

But as a surrogate, you go into the process with eyes wide open to the fact that the child you are caring for is not your own.There is not that sense of yearning you have when you’re carrying your own child, wondering if it will have your eyes or your husband’s nose. You are not choosing the baby’s name. You’re not imagining all of the big moments the way you do with your own sweet babies!

You go into the pregnancy in a very non-romantic, science-based way, and you know that this kid’s parents loved her before she was ever conceived, and fought so hard to make her life a reality.

In fact, you probably will feel more attached to the intended parents, and not the baby.

Nope! We partner with agencies all over the US, who work with surrogates, intended parents, and hospitals all over the US.
If you prefer a local match or less travel, we will help you find agency options that meet your needs, but geography won’t hurt your ability to become a surrogate.

Once we review your agency options with you and you choose your ideal agency, you’ll complete their intake process until you’re cleared to match. There are a lot more intended parents than surrogates, so matching is usually fairly quick for surrogates. From the time you complete the intake process to match, it takes about 30 days on average. 

💯 you do! We work hard to find you the right agency who has the type of intended parents you want to help. We have a great relationship with our agencies, and they know how important it is to us that they find you the intended parents you’re hoping for!

While there are very few companies who call themselves surrogate advocates, we’re definitely not all the same. For example, Surrogacy Is…❤️ is founded and privately owned by experienced surrogates whose singular focus is to advocate for other women entering this process, in the way we wish we’d had when we were starting out.

At Surrogacy is… being a surrogate advocate is not a “gimmick” or a sales pitch. It is in the DNA of each member of our organization, and our sole purpose for existing. 

While there are others out there who call themselves “surrogate advocates” most are owned or funded by agencies whose interest is to recruit surrogates into their program, whether or not it’s the right and best fit for each surrogate.

But wait, didn’t I hear you say that you’re an agency, too?

We’re a surrogate advocate group who created an agency to provide more choice to our surrogates. That’s very different than an agency who creates a “surrogate advocate” group to refer people to their agency. 

Take our short 8-minute quiz now.

Today we remember the babies we carried but didn’t get to meet. The babies born sleeping. The babies we held but never got to take home. And all the babies we had to say goodbye to way too soon.

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day…it’s more than just a day. A loss is something that you carry every day, every month, every year of your life. It’s a heartache that never goes away.

But spreading awareness around loss, sharing stories, and building a community can help that pain feel a little less unbearable to carry every day.

Today (and always) we hold space for those who have experienced loss and we send our immense love and support to everyone who has dealt with this unimaginable heartache. If you feel comfortable, please share your baby`s name in the comments so we can honor them.

📣 Community, please send love to each of these babies and their families by giving each comment a heart emoji. Let’s give them the outpouring of love they deserve today. 🫶

#pregnancyandinfantlossremembranceday #pregnancylossawareness #pregnancyandinfantlossawarenessmonth #pregnancyandinfantlossawareness #infantlossawareness #infantlossupport #pregnancylosssupport #miscarriagesupport #miscarriagewareness #pregnancyandinfantloss #SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyIsAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #SurrogacyIsforSurrogates #SurrogacyIsforIntendedParents

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Compensation may not be the main reason why women decide to become surrogates… but it doesn’t mean it’s not an important factor in her choice!

Yes, many surrogates do surrogacy because it’s an amazing thing to do for someone else. But it’s also a way for her to accomplish goals that may have felt too far out of reach otherwise.

Many surrogates use their compensation to…
🏡Buy a house
💸Pay off debt
💼Start a new business
📅Take time off
🎓Go back to school
❗And so much more

If you’ve completed a journey, and you feel comfortable sharing, let potential surrogates know what things you’re proud to have used your compensation on in the comments below ⬇️

#SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyAgency #SurrogacyStories #SurrogacySupport #SurrogacyIsforSurrogates

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Ladies, it’s Sunday and it’s “No Bra Day”, so don’t you even think about putting on a bra today.

While today might be a fun excuse to let loose (literally 🤣), it should also serve as a reminder of all the breast cancer survivors who may be unable to go without bras because they need them to hold their prostheses after surgery. It’s also your check to make sure you’re giving yourself monthly self-exams and have your next screening scheduled. It’s important to remember that most types of breast cancer can be treated if caught early.

This October make sure you keep those boo-bies safe! 👻

#NoBraDay #BreastCancerAwareness #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth #BreastCancer #SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyIsAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #SurrogacyIsforSurrogates #SurrogacyIsforIntendedParents

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Mamas, why do we let our minds be so mean to us? 🫣

We let doubt creep in. We allow negativity to tell us false narratives. And we’re extra hard on ourselves when something slips our minds.

Truth is, as moms we’re juggling a lot. Actual daily tasks and high societal expectations.

The pressure of it all can make you start to believe you aren’t doing enough… or worse, you’re not good enough.

Don’t allow any of that B.S. to take up your mental space! Whenever a not-so-kind thought tries to weasel its way in, stop it in its tracks. 🛑 Repeat this reminder to yourself, “You’re doing your best and that’s enough.”

You’re an amazing mom. Please don’t let your mind make you believe otherwise. 🫶

#Inspiration #Motivation #Momivation #Community #SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyAgency

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A surrogacy journey can impact a surrogate’s life in SO MANY WAYS.

For Kelsey, the compensation from her journey helped her family buy a new vehicle, pay off old debt, and even purchase a work truck for her husband. Even though the compensation wasn’t why she became a surrogate, it was exciting for her and her family to decide what fun things to use it on.

Surrogacy also provided perks they never even expected. Kelsey says even though she and her husband have been together for more than 10 years, surrogacy helped them bond in a whole new way. They both learned a new appreciation for compassion and connection. (They’re relationship goals, for real!)

If you’ve ever considered becoming a surrogate and want to learn more about how a journey could help you achieve your goals, take our short quiz today: surrogacy.is/life-changing-quiz

#SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyAgency #SurrogacyStories #SurrogacySupport #SurrogacyIsforSurrogates

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Whether you’ve been out and proud for years, just recently came out, or are still waiting for the right time to come out—we see and support you! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

Love is love and we’re so excited that you are able to love openly and authentically. Because you`re living your best life, you are an inspiration to others who are walking in your same path. 🫰🫰

#NationalComingOutDay #LoveisLove #LGBTQ #Allies #Onelove #ComingOutDay #Pride #SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyIsAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #SurrogacyIsforSurrogates #SurrogacyIsforIntendedParents

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No one can Dad like you—and your child needs the special way that you parent.

Anyone can claim a title. But only you can tuck your child into bed YOUR special way. Only you can cuddle your child in YOUR special way. And only you can soothe your child in YOUR special way.

Everything you do is special… and it’s the little things that your kiddo will grow up to love and appreciate.

If you know a Dad who needs a little reminder of how special they are to their kids, please send them this!

#SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyIsAgency #SurrogacySupport #DadsThroughSurrogacy #IFs #IntendedFathers #SurrogacyIsforIntendedParents

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What’s one piece of advice some of our experienced surrogates give potential surrogates? 🤔

✨Don’t try to put your surrogacy journey in a specific timeline. ✨

Instead focus on the goal at the end: giving sweet IPs their baby. This will help you stay a bit more grounded and remind you not to try and rush every part of the process. Things come up and some things take longer than you might expect. But the timing of every surrogacy journey works out exactly how it was destined to. So enjoy it while you’re in it!

One day you’ll wake up and your journey will be over and you’ll look back and reminisce about it all. If you aren’t so focused on the timelines then it’ll be those precious moments you’ll remember the most.

What other piece of advice would you give potential surrogates about timing? Let us know in the comments below ⬇️

#SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyIsAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #SurrogacyAdvice #SurrogacyCommunity

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In this episode, we honor Infant Loss Awareness Month by welcoming Kristin McQuaid, a mother through surrogacy and adoption, who has turned her heartache into a powerful legacy for her baby, London.

Kristin’s journey to motherhood is a testament to resilience. She shares her struggles with infertility and severe endometriosis, leading her and her husband to pursue surrogacy. The hopeful preparations gave way to the devastating loss of their baby, London—a moment that forever changed her life.

Yet, Kristin’s story doesn’t end in sorrow. Through her pain, she found strength, creating "London is the Reason," a nonprofit dedicated to supporting families facing similar tragedies. By placing London at the center of her mission, Kristin ensures that her baby’s short life carries on, creating meaning and hope from loss.

Join us for a heartfelt conversation about how grief can inspire action and the transformative power of community. Kristin also shares the importance of compassionate support and open dialogue about the complexities of parenthood and loss.

Discover how London’s story lives on through Kristin’s advocacy and learn more about her mission at LondonistheReason.com.

Watch the video interview here: youtube.com/@Surrogacyis
Listen here: surrogacyisapodcast.buzzsprout.com

#surrogacyis #SurrogacyPodcast #Surrogacy #SurrogacyPodcast #SurrogacyIsAPodcast #SurrogacyRequirements #SurrogateFAQs #SurrogacyTalk #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency

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The surrogate is not the baby’s mom 📣😮

If we could, we would scream this from the top of a mountain, but for now, this will do. 🤣

A surrogate just acts as the oven that “bakes” or grows the baby. That’s where the term gestational carrier comes from because she truly is just “carrying” someone else’s baby. The baby has always belonged to his or her parents, from the very beginning. 💕

As moms themselves, surrogates can sympathize with that longing for wanting kids of your own. This is usually one of the many reasons they decide to help another family achieve this dream.

If you’ve ever considered becoming a surrogate and helping someone else have a child of their very own…take our super simple quiz to see if you qualify at: surrogacy.is/life-changing-quiz

#SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyAgency #SurrogacyStories #SurrogacySupport #SurrogacyIsforSurrogates #SurrogacyIsforIntendedParents

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Every child deserves the chance to live healthy—whether that’s from the food they eat, the words of encouragement they hear, the education they are taught, or the medical care they receive. Every day there are superheroes who are doing all they can to positively impact our children’s physical and mental well-being. 🍎🏃📚👏

On this National Child Health Day, we want to spread a well-deserved thank-you to all the teachers, doctors, mentors, supportive organizations, and loved ones who do everything they can to keep our children healthy (and happy)!

Please share this post with the superheroes in your life to show them how much they are appreciated 🫶

#ChildHealthDay #HealthyChildren #community #ItTakesAVillage #SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyIsAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency

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Have you heard? 👂

The Surrogacy Is team exceeds expectations. Whether that’s in communication, taking the time to help you understand the process, or even just remembering the little things and sending a sweet text throughout your journey.

Most of our team has been surrogates before and knows how it goes. They want our surrogates to have the absolute best experience possible… and that means being the friend or surrogacy mentor they need every step of the way.

If you’re interested in working with us as a surrogate, take our short quiz at: surrogacy.is/life-changing-quiz

#SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyAgency #SurrogacyIsforSurrogates #SurrogacySupport #Surrogates

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If you’re worrying about it, guess what? It means you want nothing more than to be a good mom… and that means you already have everything you need to actually be a good mom 💞

Good moms want to be good moms.

You will always be your own biggest critic (well, maybe your MIL, too 🤣) but just remember all of us moms… we’re just winging it. We’re doing the best we can. No one has all the answers and you’ll always worry if you’re doing the right thing.

Your kid though, they`ll think the world of you… even if it took you a whole 5 mins to get them after they woke up from their nap…even if you forgot to put a note in their lunchbox…even if you got frustrated and started speaking louder than you like.

At the end of the day, you’re still a really good mom. So, don’t you even worry about that. 😉

#Inspiration #Motivation #Community #SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyAgency

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When surrogates share their decision to carry a baby for someone else, it’s not unusual that they’ll be met with a few raised eyebrows. 🤨 Actually, if we’re being honest, you can almost guarantee it. 😂

In most cases, this is just because someone doesn’t know enough about surrogacy. There are a lot of misconceptions out there, and until someone meets a sweet surrogate IRL, they may not get the opportunity to learn the real facts.

So as a surrogate, it’s actually really cool that you can meet those raised eyebrows and unveil the truth about surrogacy so that it becomes more understood and accepted…one misinformed aunt or coworker at a time.

But as much as we would love everyone to be pro-surrogacy, they’re some people who just won’t ever get it. That’s okay. It is what it is. Sometimes all you need to do is speak your truth and leave it at that. Your community gets it… and we get you. 🫶

#SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyIsAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #SurrogacyIsforSurrogates #SurrogateSupport #SurroSupport #SurrogacyStories #SurrogacyMisconceptions

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Do surrogates get into surrogacy just for the money? No.
Can the compensation be a reason she decides to do it? ABSOLUTELY!

Most surrogates will tell you that after being a parent themselves, they knew they wanted to help someone experience that same love they feel for raising their child.

Most surrogates will also tell you that surrogacy compensation largely impacted their family’s lives and helped them with goals they may not have been able to achieve otherwise. Like putting a down payment on a new house, starting a business, or paying off debt.

Both things can be true. And neither one takes away from the impact or importance of the other. 😁

Do you have any other surrogacy myths you’d like us to answer in future social posts? Let us know in the comments!

#SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyIsAgency #SurrogacyMyths #SurrogacyEducation #SurrogacyCommunity

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This month, we honor Infant Loss Awareness Month with a heartfelt episode featuring Kristin McQuaid, a mother through surrogacy and adoption, and a passionate advocate for those navigating the pain of loss.

In next week’s podcast, Kristin bravely shares her journey through infertility and the profound sorrow of losing her baby, London. From this heartache, she founded "London is the Reason," a nonprofit dedicated to supporting families facing similar tragedies.

Join us for an emotional conversation about resilience, community, the power of compassionate support and how shared experiences can inspire hope and meaningful action.

Learn more about Kristin`s mission at LondonistheReason.com.

#SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyPodcast #Surrogacy #SurrogacyPodcast #SurrogacyIsAPodcast #SurrogacyRequirements #SurrogateFAQs #SurrogacyTalk #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #InfantLossAwareness #IntendedParent #SurrogacyIsIntendedParent

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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and our Surrogacy Is team is showing our support by sporting our pretty pink. 🩷🩷

Breast cancer is the second most common cancer among American women. So common that 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. With stats like that, it’s hard not to know someone close who isn’t affected—let alone have it be you.

Early detection can be key to saving a life. Make sure you know your risks and schedule your yearly mammograms. Encourage the women in your life to do the same. Knowledge is power and together we can make strides against breast cancer.

Find a link in our stories to donate to breast cancer research in honor of all the incredible women who’ve ever had to battle breast cancer. 🫶

#breastcancerawarenessmonth #pinkoctober #breastcancer #KnowledgeIsPower #breastcancersurvivors #breastcancer #SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyIsAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency

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Our co-founder, Casey always says, “You don’t know, what you don’t know.”

This is true about so many things in life, but it`s especially true in surrogacy.

That’s why having a community of passionate surrogates who can share their experiences, tips, and advice is so valuable—and we are so proud to provide that at Surrogacy Is. 🫶

If you’re a woman thinking about becoming a surrogate, we want to make sure you know everything about the process. When you have questions about legal or benefit packages, we want to walk you through them and help you advocate for yourself. When you`re dealing with pregnancy discomfort, we`ll be there reminding you how amazing you are!

If you want to learn more about becoming a surrogate and joining our community, start by taking the short quiz here: surrogacy.is/life-changing-quiz

#SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyIsAgency #BestSurrogacyAgency #SurrogacySupport #BestSurrogacySupport #Surrogates #SurrogacyIsforSurrogates

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We`re proud to offer fair compensation and benefit packages for our surrogates. Depending on your experience and circumstances, our surrogates can expect to make between $45K-85K for their surrogacy compensation.

We also offer extensive benefit packages that include ongoing mental health support, IVF med teaching, relaxation allowances, and a community of caring first-time and experienced surrogates.

With Surrogacy Is, you get an agency that will educate you, advocate for you, and offer you unmatched support throughout your WHOLE journey (not just at the start, like some other agencies 😒)

If you’d like to learn more about how our agency supports surrogates, take our quick quiz. Afterward, someone on our advocacy team will connect with you to chat. 🙌

Take our quiz here: Surrogacy.is/life-changing-quiz

#SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyIsAgency #BestSurrogacyAgency #SurrogacySupport #BestSurrogacySupport #Surrogates #SurrogacyCompensation #SurrogacyPackages #SurrogacyBenefits

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Intended Fathers are something special. 🩵

We know this path to parenthood is something people won’t understand, unless they’ve been through it themselves. So, if there’s no one in your circle that truly gets just how deep your dedication and love runs for your little one, this community does.

Thank you for being such a beacon of love and support. We applaud you for all that you do! 👏👏👏

If you have a special intended father in your life, share this with them or comment their name below to show them how much you appreciate them!

#SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyIsAgency #BestSurrogacyAgency #SurrogacyIsforIntendedParents #IntendedFathers #IFs #IPSupport #SurrogacyCommunity

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We hear this all the time (unfortunately!). 😭😭

A first-time surrogate randomly picks an agency because everything seems good on paper and then after she’s matched with her IPs, it’s radio silence.

👏This👏 is 👏 NOT 👏 how 👏it 👏should 👏be. 👏

At our agency, support is something we don’t take lightly. Many of the amazing individuals on our team are previous surrogates who had similar journey experiences as Tyeisha. That`s why our team is so determined to make sure every surrogate we work with has a better experience.

If you’re a surrogate that works with us, you`ll get an extensive benefits package and a team that cheers you on every step of the way (no, seriously. We mark your milestones on calendars. We text you to check in regularly. And we mention your name during group meetings so that every employee can cross their fingers and send good vibes your way). We’ll also invite you to our private surrogate Facebook group so you can connect with surrogates just like you. Without all the hateful bullying you’ll find in other groups.

With us, you’ll experience support like no other. If you’re interested in learning more take our short quiz and if you qualify one of our surrogacy advocates will be in touch to connect!

#SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyIsAgency #SurrogacyIsforSurrogates #BestSurrogacyAgency #SurrogacySupport #SurrogacyCommunity

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Every surrogacy journey is unique, and we want to see yours! Whether you`re just starting or celebrating a milestone, let us know where you’re at in the comments! 🤰💫

Snap a pic 📸 with your `Surrogacy Is` milestone card and share it with us! You can either DM us your photo or post it and tag us @surrogacy.is so we can celebrate with you and feature you in our stories! 🌈

#SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyLove #MilestoneMoments #SurrogacyCommunity

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On top of a surrogate’s compensation, it’s also important to realize that at times she’ll need allowances for things like childcare and to be reimbursed for the prenatal care and delivery.

Some people may ask, “Well, why can’t those expenses just come out of the compensation she receives?”

And to answer that nicely… it just wouldn’t be fair! 😤

Asking a surrogate to use her own finances or to take away from the compensation she might already have plans for is not being very appreciative of the kind and extraordinary gift she is giving someone else: a child of their own.

📣 Surrogates, when you’re on a journey make sure you’re working with an agency that will vouch for you and make sure you’re being taken care of by providing appropriate allowances and reimbursement protocols. ✅✅

If you’re interested in how our agency will have your back, connect with our team today by taking the quick quiz at: surrogacy.is/life-changing-quiz

#SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyIsAgency #BestSurrogacyAgency #SurrogacySupport #SurrogateCompensatio

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Did you know just like there are requirements to become a surrogate, there are requirements to become an intended parent too?

Many agencies will ask that intended parents have a relationship with a reputable fertility clinic and have undergone a criminal background and a financial, legal, and psychological consultation to confirm they are prepared for the unique processes and emotions of third-party family building. Just like surrogate screenings help give intended parents peace of mind about who they are working with, surrogates also appreciate the peace of mind they receive when agencies screen intended parents.

When working with a trustworthy agency, both sides can feel good going into their surrogacy journey.

If you’re an intended parent looking to start your journey, we’d love to chat about how our agency can help you. We provide a 90-day match guarantee and never require a deposit to work with us. We’re committed to helping you and your biggest dream come true. Start your journey today by visiting: surrogacy.is/for-intended-parents

#SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyIsAgency #IPSupport #AgencyforIPs #IPs #intendedparents #SurrogacyAwareness #LoveforSurrogacy #IntendedParentEducation #SurrogacyIsForIntendedParents

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🎉 Welcome Baby #6! 🎉
Our hearts are full as another beautiful surrogacy journey comes to a joyful close. 💖 Baby has arrived safely and we couldn’t be more proud of our incredible surrogate who started her journey with us in June 2023. 🌈 IPs & GC officially matched in October 2023, and after an incredible 11-month journey together (that’s 9-10 months of pregnancy & only 1 month of everything else, WOW!), this dream has come true! 🌟 We are beyond grateful for the love and support from everyone involved.

#SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #BabyAnnouncement #SurrogacyIs

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Curious about the requirements to become a surrogate? Check out our previous post https://www.instagram.com/p/C-FoguoopK0/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link here!

If you check all the boxes or have more questions, take our quick quiz today at surrogacy.is/life-changing-quiz!
Afterward, one of our Surrogate Advocates will be in touch with you. 📲

#SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyIsAgency #SurrogacyRequirement #SurrogacyGuidelines #SurrogacyEducation

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At Surrogacy Is unicorns have become our unofficial mascots for surrogates. Why?

🦄🤰𝐁𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥. Just like you don’t see a unicorn every day, the same is true for surrogates. It takes meeting a certain level of requirements PLUS a huge heart to become a surrogate.

🦄🤰𝗕𝗼𝘁𝗵 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹. Both unicorns and surrogates offer a sense of hope, especially in the unknown.

🦄🤰𝐁𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥. By just being themselves, a unicorn can make someone stop in their tracks in awe. Likewise, the amazing act of kindness from a surrogate can do the same.

So to us, surrogates are unicorns... Do you agree? Give this post a big “🩷” if you do!

#SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyIsAgency #BestSurrogacyAgency #Unicorns #SurrogateUnicorns

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Is there anything cooler than being a surrogate? We don’t think so. And your friends and family agree.

(Okay, NGL you’ll probably have some stinkers who just won’t get it, but forget about them 🤣)

If you’ve been considering, probably one of the coolest acts out there (SURROGACY!) take our short 8-minute quiz today to see if you qualify. You could be on your way to earning the highest level of cool points out there. Surrogacy.is/life-changing-quiz

#SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyIsAgency #SurrogacyIsforSurrogates #SurrogateSupport #BecomeASurrogate #SurrogateCommunity

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But would she get it..like get it, get it!? 😆
Yall matching is all about instincts. You can look at the profile pictures, their story, everything on paper but you don’t know if it’s a fit until that match call and you start talking and connecting.

Trust your gut, you’ve got this! 🙌✨

#SurrogacyJourney #Surrogacy #SurrogacyRocks #SurrogacyIsLove #Surrogate #SurrogacyIs #SurrpgacyIsAgency

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🎉 August was a month of miracles for our Surrogacy Is community! 🌟 We’re beyond thrilled to share that we celebrated 8 perfect matches, 13 hope-filled embryo transfers, 8 heartbeat confirmations, and welcomed 6 beautiful babies into the world! 👶✨

These milestones are more than just numbers—they’re the dreams of intended parents coming true after long awaited journeys. Thank you to our amazing surrogates and intended parents for trusting us with your stories. Together, we’re making magic happen.

#SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #SurrogacyIsAgency

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Goodbye summer 👋😎 Hello chaos 👋🌪️

School routines are picking back up and it can be easy for a family to get hyper-focused on schedules and fitting everything in. As the Mama of the house you may feel like you’re in charge of making sure everything runs smoothly, but here’s a little reminder for you: It’s okay to slow down too. 🛑

It can be hard, but even if you have to literally schedule “me-time” or “relax time” into the calendar, DO IT! You won’t regret it, and frankly, you deserve it.

It could mean that every Wednesday night your family knows it’s “Mom’s night to read her book” and unless it’s an emergency, you’re off limits. 📖🙅‍♀️

Or it could be 20 minutes every night where you and your family do something together, like play a board game or go for a walk around the block. 🧩🚶‍♀️

Slow-down time can look however you need it to, the important thing is that you make sure you’re getting it, in whatever way you can.

What do you do to help yourself slow down? We want to know—Leave us a comment below!

#MomInspiration #MomMotivation #MomCommunity #SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyIsAgency

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Look at you, pumping princess?! 🍼👸

We know being hooked up to a machine is not the most fun, but kudos to you for doing what you need to do to provide that delicious milk to a special babe. 👏

Sometimes having some little pumping essentials can make your next pumping break feel more like a relaxing moment to yourself. Did we just say relaxing? You know what we mean, as relaxing as pumping can be 🤣

Here are some of our community’s favorites:
✨A cozy cover, blanket, or jacket to help keep you warm.
✨A hand-free pumping bra—cuz you’ll want those hands to scroll your phone!
✨Nipple shields & cream.
✨Wipes, bags, or bottles to make storing and cleaning your machine between pumps easier. Who has time to do the whole routine every time, am I right?!
✨Water bottle and delicious snacks. We think you deserve chocolate!
✨ Breast pads or hot/cold packs to help with tenderness or leaking.

Treat yourself as the pumping princess you are. You’re doing amazing, hun!

Do you have other pumping favorites? Please share your recommendations with our community in the comments!

#EmpoweredMoms #MotherhoodUnplugged #PumpingMamas #Pumping #PumpingMom #PumpingMilk #PumpingTips #SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyIsAgency

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When you’re on the journey to parenthood as an intended parent it can sometimes make you feel pretty powerless. You have to give up so much control and so much is out of your hands. All you can do is hope for the best. But you do. You have so much hope. And there’s SO MUCH power in that.

𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓹𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓷 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀.And when times get hard and you forget, remember you have a surrogacy community here that can help remind you of it. 🩷💚💜💙

Please send this post to a special intended parent and spread this reminder to them.


#SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyIsAgency #IPSupport #AgencyforIPs #IPs #intendedparents #SurrogacyAwareness #LoveforSurrogacy

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Man does it feel good when the whole squads celebrating and just getting along effortlessly together! 💃🎉 ✨

Finding the perfect match is no small feat! It’s not just about checking boxes—it’s about listening to everyone’s wants, needs, and personalities to make sure it’s a real vibe for everyone involved. 💫 We pour our hearts into making these matches personal, because when it’s right, it’s pure magic. ✨💖

#SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyJourney #PerfectMatch #SurrogacyAgency #SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsAgency

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Sometimes a love story begins with “Once upon a time” and ends with a “Happily ever after.” Other times it begins with carefully maneuvering a tiny embryo into the perfect spot so that several months later a screaming, beautiful baby can emerge out of that very space.

✨Like any fairy tale, it’s beyond magical. ✨

If you’re looking to begin your first chapter to the beautiful story of parenthood, let’s chat!

#SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyIsAgency #SurrogacyIsforIntendedParents #BestSurrogacyAgency #IPs #IPSupport #IPCommunity

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The episode you’ve been waiting for is here! 🎉

Join us as we share the beautiful journey of our agency’s first surrogate baby and the unforgettable moment when intended parents finally meet their long-awaited child. 💖

We’re also sitting down with Marly Steinman, Intended Parent & Donor Consultant, who offers incredible insights into navigating the surrogacy process—from understanding emotions to choosing the right agency and building strong connections with your surrogate.

If you’re an intended parent or just curious about the surrogacy journey this episode is full of insight, guidance, and heart!

Here is Marly’s info to get connected with her for IP and Donor support! https://surrogacybymarly.com

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Calling all IPs 📣


You read that right! Right now we have several vetted, well-educated surrogates waiting to meet the family they get to help bring a beautiful baby into the world with. 💞

Our agency also offers comprehensive IP perks like...

✨A 90-Day Match Guarantee
✨No Deposit Down Until Match
✨Tailored IP Support (including ongoing mental health sessions, concierge services, and more!)

With no waitlist and no money down to work with us, there’s absolutely no risk to see how we can help you on your surrogacy journey.

To find out more or to connect with our IP Relations Manager, visit the link today at: surrogacy.is/for-intended-parents

#SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyIsAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #SurrogacyIsforIntendedParents #IPSupport #IPResources

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📣 September is PCOS Awareness Month. Do you know enough about the condition to understand your risks? 🤔

Polycystic ovary syndrome is the most common cause of anovulatory infertility (when you’re not ovulating or releasing an egg). For many, it can cause heartbreaking struggles when trying to build a family.

Some of the most common PCOS symptoms include infertility, irregular periods, acne, unwanted facial and body hair, and hair loss. Other side effects can be carb cravings, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, anxiety, and depression.

While PCOS can’t be cured, a medical professional can help manage your symptoms and help you reduce your chances of complications.

For those with PCOS who are feeling overwhelmed with their diagnosis, dealing with symptoms every day, struggling with fertility, and feeling completely alone... we see you. PCOS might be part of your story, but it doesn’t have to be your whole story. 🫶

#PCOSAwareness #pcos #women #PCOSjourney #PCOSSupport #PCOSAwarenessMonth #PCOSwomen #SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyIsAgency

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What’s Surrogacy Is mission? 📣📣To let everyone know they don`t need to settle when it comes to surrogacy!

The right agency should listen to all your wants for a journey. They should be there to educate you and support you—and they should never, ever try to talk you into something that doesn`t feel right to you.

One of the biggest reasons we decided to start our agency was to ensure that surrogates and intended parents were getting the support they needed so each side could have the absolute best journey imaginable. If this sounds like something you’re interested in, follow the link that fits you below to learn about your options with us!

Surrogates: Surrogacy.is/life-changing-quiz
Intended Parents: Surrogacy.is/for-intended-parents

#SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyIsAgency #SurrogacyIsforSurrogates #SurrogacyIsforIntendedParents #SurrogacyAgencies #BestSurrogacyAgency #SurrogacySupport #SurrogacyCommunity

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Let’s hear for the real-life superheroes—neonatal nurses. 🦸‍♀️🦸

Skilled neonatal nurses work tirelessly to provide comfort and healing in NICUs everywhere. Their hard work, dedication, and gentle care they provide to the tiniest patients make a difference that lasts a lifetime for these sweet babies and their families.

If you know a neonatal nurse, help us spread our heartfelt THANK YOU to them by sharing or tagging them in this post!

#neonatalnurses #NICUnurses #NICUheroes #NANN #NeonatalNursesWeek #ThankaNurse #SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyIsAgency

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Surrogates can’t help but be phenomenal gift-givers. I mean, they do give the greatest gift of all… a new baby to a deserving family!

But even before the big day (delivery day, that is!), many surrogates want to help their intended parents feel more connected to the journey so many might send a sweet gift.

We asked our team what some of their favorite gifts are to send to IPs...here`s what they said:

✨ A pregnancy memory box
✨Belly buds so surro-baby can listen to his/her parents’ voices
✨Framed ultrasound photos
✨Personalized jewelry or keepsakes with baby’s name
✨A lovey with the baby’s heartbeat
✨A belly charm necklace. This is a long necklace a surrogate can wear during pregnancy to make little chimes throughout the day that the baby can hear in the womb. Once the baby is born one of the parents can wear the charm so the baby will hear the same comforting sound.

If you’ve been on a journey before, what gifts did you send your IPs to include them in on the fun? Or if you were an IP what gifts did you find extra special from your surrogate? Share all your gift ideas with us in the comments below ⤵️

#SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyIsAgency #SurrogacyCommunity #IPGifts #SurrogatesandIPs #SurrogacyGifts

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Surrogacy Is… Standing Up to Cancer. ⬆️

We can’t even begin to imagine the strength and courage it takes to stay positive and optimistic when facing a cancer diagnosis… but we do know fights are easier when you don’t have to fight alone. The Surrogacy Is team is here to remind everyone in our extended community that with us, you aren’t ever alone. 👭👫👬

Even if it’s just virtually, we’re here to share an encouraging battle cry when you need it. We’re here to share content that feels like a warm hug. And we’re here to use our voice to inspire others to support research that can make a world of difference in someone’s battle.

💜 Together we can make a difference. 💜

Tap into our stories today for something special. Today we’re asking you to…
✨ Leave an encouraging message in our response box. Throughout the day we’ll reshare the uplifting responses so that anyone affected by cancer can see how our community is cheering them on.

✨Donate to StandUptoCancer for research and supportive services through the button

✨Spread the love by asking your followers to do the same!

#StandUptoCancerDay #FindYourVillage #CancerAwareness #CommunityStrength #SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyIsAgency

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A common response a lot of women get when they share with their friends and family that they want to be a surrogate is, “Why would you want to do that…for someone else?”

It’s true. Being a surrogate means putting your body through a lot. It means carving out time in your already busy schedule. It means putting some things on hold. It can even mean gaining a few dozen pounds. BUT it can also mean…

💜 Giving someone the same joy and love you feel for your own child.

💜 Adding a new baby to a family, so not only can the parents shower them with love but so can all the grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, and extended family.

💜 Feeling such a sense of accomplishment for yourself (as a surrogate) for the incredible, selfless act that will live on far beyond you.

For a lot of us surrogates, it all feels worth it. And most of the time when we explain it to our loved ones in that way, they get it too. It’s just hard not to.

If you want to help someone else’s family out in the most incredible way, take our qualifying quiz today at surrogacy.is/life-changing-quiz

#SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyIsAgency #SurrogacyStories #SurrogacyIsforSurrogates #SurrogateSupport #Surrogates

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Calling all IPs 📣


You read that right! Right now we have several vetted, well-educated surrogates waiting to meet the family they get to help bring a beautiful baby into the world with. 💞

Our agency also offers comprehensive IP perks like...

✨A 90-Day Match Guarantee
✨No Deposit Down Until Match
✨Tailored IP Support (including ongoing mental health sessions, concierge services, and more!)

With no waitlist and no money down to work with us, there`s absolutely no risk to see how we can help you on your surrogacy journey.

To find out more or to connect with our IP Relations Manager, visit the link today at: surrogacy.is/for-intended-parents

#SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyIsAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #SurrogacyIsforIntendedParents #IPSupport #IPResources

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Today we remember one of the worst days in American history. We honor those whose lives were tragically lost or changed forever. And we’ll never forget how such a tragedy brought the nation together to show an outpouring of love for everyone involved. 🗽🇺🇸 ❤️

#911 #911memorial #911rememberance #nineeleven #neverforget #neverforget911 #SurrogacyIs #SurrogacyIsLove #SurrogacyJourney #SurrogacyAgency #Surrogacy #SurrogacyIsAgency

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